We're here to help you

When Danica started learning to surf “with the boys” a few years ago, she quickly realized the surfing world still wasn’t designed for females. Her hair was becoming permanently damaged, her skin was constantly dry, and she still couldn’t find a wetsuit to support her properly.

Danica needed surf products that understood she’d no doubt be getting salty at the beach all day, but still wanted to feel girly, confident and carefree at the same time.

So with the help of her surf-fanatic fiancé Mitch, Gypsea Sol was born to give female surfers the freedom to surf all day without any other worries.

Gypsea Sol is solely here to help you feel as free by the sea as possible.

We know there can be a lot on your mind some days, so we want to take away any niggly little annoyances while you're by the water so you can simply quieten your mind and reconnect with our greatest source of energy, the sea.

We just want to give you one less thing to worry about when you're chasing the waves.

So what's been bothering you on your recent beach missions? Let us know what new sustainable surf product you need from us here